Class Descriptions

Family Dance and Yoga
Ages 2 - 4 with parent/caregiver
Movement is an essential part of learning. Dance activities emphasize the fun and excitement of discovering the world through movement. Enjoy singing and dancing and playing together! The class will include parachute play, dancing with scarves, instruments, and much more. Learn movement activities and yoga poses that can be explored at home.

Creative Dance
Ages 3 - 5
This is a class designed for students ready to dance on their own. Discover new ways of moving as you explore the elements of dance, build a movement vocabulary, and develop age appropriate skills. Through the magic of dance you will enjoy moving to a variety of music, dancing with colorful props, and dancing to stories and poems as you create your own dances. Learn yoga postures.

Creative Dance
Ages 5 - 8
Dance skills and movement vocabulary are taught with an emphasis on body awareness and confidence in movement. Create beautiful improvisational dances as you learn and explore the tools of dance – technique, design, rhythm, flow, and creativity. In addition, you will develop music appreciation as you dance to the many musical rhythms, learn problem-solving skills, and create solo and group dances expressing the uniqueness of each dancer. Yoga postures, stories and relaxation techniques are integrated into the class.

Creative Modern Dance
Ages 8 - 12
Modern and ballet dance technique is formally introduced with an emphasis on self-expression, creativity, and fun. The class is designed to develop rhythmic, coordination, and creative skills necessary in the art of making dances. Through yoga, dance exercises and combinations you will develop strength, flexibility, posture, and balance. Then explore moving to a variety of music as you create your own dances. Develop an understanding of dance appreciation as you dance amongst a group of friends who respect and admire each other’s unique ways of moving. Yoga postures, stories, and relaxation techniques are integrated into the class to connect body, mind, and spirit.

Creative Modern Dance
Ages 12 +
Students continue to learn the craft of choreography as they develop dance vocabulary, original movement, and evaluation techniques to express a wide range of ideas. Explore a variety of dance techniques including modern, jazz, and ballet. Explore moving to rhythmic patterns and learn dance combinations as well as create your own compositions to the various styles of jazz, pop, world, classical, new age, and lyrical music. Explore yoga flows and relaxation techniques.

Creative Dance and Yoga for Special Needs
Ages 8 +
Creative Dance and Yoga for Special Needs is a class designed for children with varying special needs. This class demonstrates the beauty and importance of dance in every one's life. Dancers discover new ways of moving as they explore the elements of dance, build a movement vocabulary, and develop basic motor and locomotor skills, while they gain confidence, learn problem-solving skills, leadership, and self-control. Dancers enjoy moving to a variety of music, dancing with colorful props, and learning yoga poses.

Adult Creative Modern Dance
Ages 18 +
Gently stretch and strengthen your body through yoga postures and dance technique. Explore movement concepts, develop modern dance skills, improvise, choreograph, and let your creative spirit soar in a safe and friendly atmosphere. All levels of experience are welcome.

Dancers Workshop Performing Group
Ages 8 +
A program designed for dedicated dancers who wish to have the opportunity to perform in the community. In addition to attending workshop rehearsals, students are required to attend at least one other dance class at their appropriate age level. All students are welcome to be a part of the Dancers Workshop Performing Group. No audition required.

Create a Class
All Ages
Create you own dance program, designed especially for you. Whether a week long program, a one day workshop, or a class that meets once a week for a four week session, we can create a schedule that works for you. And the possiblitilties of themes are endless. I am happy to work with you to create a program that meets your needs. Please contact me for details.